The importance of reading

The importance of reading is one of the most important for the development of the intellect and also the shortest way to acquire knowledge. Amid the technological boom of recent decades, this habit ended up being left aside, being replaced first by television, then by computers, video games and now by smartphones.

What does reading help?

Reading is the oldest and most efficient, to date, way of acquiring knowledge. And we need to deconstruct the idea that reading is a boring and monotonous habit. Contrary to what many people believe, reading magazines, websites, comic books, romance books, among other entertainment readings, is as effective as reading a technical book.

The difference is that reading about something technical offers knowledge about that particular subject, while reading about varieties stimulates reasoning and improves vocabulary. It’s a fact that only those who read a lot can write well.

Reading improves students’ learning, as it stimulates the proper functioning of memory, improves interpretative capacity, as it keeps reasoning active, in addition to providing the reader with broad and diverse knowledge on various subjects. Those who read a lot of talk about anything and can form well-founded opinions.

How to create a habit of reading?

importance of reading
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Start with a subject that you like. There are websites, books and magazines about everything, just look. If you like fashion, games, history, it doesn’t matter, there will definitely be publications that will please you. Set aside time every day to read, preferably before bed, as this will help you sleep more peacefully, as well as promoting better memory retention during sleep.

Reading since childhood

With technology becoming part of families at an increasingly earlier age and in a more comprehensive way, it is necessary to pay special attention to children, and introduce the habit of reading into their lives from an early age.

The child is usually a mirror of the parents; Therefore, it is important that the example comes from them. If you have children, read to them from a young age and show them how reading can be a fun habit. The results will come later, with good school performance and much safer and better prepared adults.

For students and applicants

If reading is already important in anyone’s daily life, imagine for those who need to study and store a huge amount of information at once? Students, especially those in college entrance exams, need to pay much more attention to this.

Reading can help and relax at the same time. Include time in your study schedule dedicated to reading something of your choice. There are curiosity magazines on the market with fun language, which you will learn and have fun with at the same time.

Reading is a habit that only brings benefits to our lives. It’s worth adopting it into your daily life, try it!

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