Historic Cities in Brazil – See the Exclusive List

Historic Cities in Brazil

The historic cities in Brazil are all over the Brazilian territory and if you are a tourist who likes to explore the history of the country, you have come to the right place.

What is difficult for historians is easy for travelers: when walking through the stone streets and well-preserved mansions of some historic cities, it is natural to be transported to the colonial period, for example.

It is also not uncommon to feel that time stops, making us stop to find the historical significance of what made each destination appear on the map (often due to mineral exploration interests, such as gold and diamonds), and also in time (when the exploitation of these natural resources).

Here in this post are some historic Brazilian cities that still keep a single treasure: history. Ideal for those who can’t do without a cultural tour without losing much of its charm.

Historic Cities in Brazil in the Southeast Region

City of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais

This city has an architectural ensemble that you will marvel at and it is no wonder that we are facing a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its well-maintained streets attract university students, who crowd between the student residences and liven up the streets during Carnival. Good choices are the train ride to the city of Mariana, crowded parties and, of course, churches that impress with their architectural richness – such as the NS Do Carmo Church and the Mother Church of NS Do Pilar.

City of São João Del Rei in Minas Gerais

The Portuguese colonial dominance of the city is evident, especially in the historic center – marked by colonial houses and the Ponte das Correntes. Here, trade is very busy and valuable.

The church is also one of the most popular routes for tourists, such as Nossa Senhora das Mercês (photo) and São Francisco de Assis.

Its railroad, which has never stopped working since it was inaugurated, is one of the oldest and best preserved in the country, with charming walks to neighboring cities.

City of Diamantina in Minas Gerais

Possessing several well-preserved Baroque buildings, the city of Diamantina has become one of the most famous historic cities and visited by tourists from all over the country.

Birthplace of Juscelino Kubitschek, full of alleys and alleys that guarded colonial mansions, the city was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1999 – but it also has natural beauties that are worth the visit.

Historic Cities in Brazil  – Petrópolis in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Dom Pedro II was so fascinated by the mild climate of the mountains of Rio de Janeiro that he built a beautiful summer resort in the city. Today, it is known as the Imperial Museum and houses artifacts from the Second Reign.

Historic Cities in Brazil

The beautiful mountains that surround the place, the peaceful climate and the countless charming inns attract travelers who seek sophistication and gastronomy – one of its trademarks

Historical Cities in Brazil in the Northeast Region

City of Olinda in Pernambuco

Founded in 1535, this city was once considered the capital of the state. Its historic center is full of well-preserved colonial mansions and has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1982.

When walking through the streets, visitors come across beautiful old buildings – restored and open to visitors after the Dutch invasion in the 18th century.

One of its attractions is Igreja do Carmo – the oldest Carmelite church in Brazil. During Carnival, the streets are filled with revelers.

City of Salvador in Bahia

It is obvious that the first capital of Brazil cannot be left out of this list. The city of Salvador was an important political and financial center in the country from 1549 to 1763 – it was there that Brazilian society began to mix peoples, cultures, religions and races.

The first slave market in the Americas was set up in the city in 1558 to sell newly arrived Africans from Africa to sugarcane farmers.

Today, the city’s historic center preserves Renaissance buildings and mansions with more than two floors – typical of a rich city.

City of São Luís in Maranhão

The state capital differs from most Brazilian cities because it was already colonized by the French. Sailors from Cancale and Saint-Milo settled the area in the 17th century and named it simply in honor of King Louis XIII.

At the time, the economy was driven by the cultivation and export of sugar cane, cocoa and tobacco. Today, the main heritage of the nation, along with the Portuguese and the Dutch, is preserved in its historic center with several buildings that reflect the past.

Historical Cities in Brazil in the South region

City of Lapa in Paraná

The history of this beautiful city dates back to 1769, when the shepherds of the area decided to settle it. Its center preserves an impressive architectural complex full of elegance and interesting attractions, such as the Weapons Museum.

One of the great events that marked this place was the Federalist Revolution of 1894, marked by the Battle of Cerco da Lapa – which stopped the advance of opposing republican armies and earned the nickname “City of Heroes”.

São Miguel das Missões in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

The history of the southern part of the country is different from that of other regions. The Portuguese did not show much interest in the Rio Grande pampas until the end of the 19th century – therefore historical records prior to this period are difficult to find.

Historic Cities in Brazil

The Jesuit mission to evangelize indigenous peoples is well preserved in the city: the archaeological site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

City of São Francisco do Sul in the State of Santa Catarina

The oldest city in the state was founded by the Portuguese in 1504 and still preserves a collection of thematic buildings, many of them listed by IPHAN.

Spanish, African and French influences are mixed in its architectural elements, concentrated in its charming historic center. Attractions such as the National Museum bring together ships from all over the region’s coastline.

So, what did you think of the historic cities present in Brazil? Know that there are many others that you can know.

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