5 tips to learn more by studying less

Learn more by studying less, pay close attention to this material if you are studying to secure a spot at the university of your dreams. In this last stretch of preparation for competitive vestibules, it is important to maintain focus, planning, and dedication in order to learn more and realize your dreams.
We compared the preparation for the vestibular to a marathon where resistance is required. She is different from a 100-meter-high test in which an explosion is required, according to Ricardo Nunes, an expert with the AZ Learning Platform.
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare ahead rather than trying to study everything at once. To assist you in this process, we have compiled five tips that will help you learn more while doing less studying. Continue reading to find out!
1. Study less means quality, not quantity
Planning to do more quality work is the first step in starting to learn more. If you try to review everything you learned all year, you probably won’t be successful and could even become depressed.
So how do we put this idea into action? The first step is to decide what is most important to you based on your goal.
And if you were already using a chronogram, don’t be afraid to change your plan towards the end of the semester. Making changes might be a smart strategy that helps you maximize your study time and improve your performance in just a few weeks before your exams.
2. Time to put plans into action
Although it may seem obvious, many students ignore this advice. After spending hours determining your planning and content priorities, it is essential to put all the suggestions into action, regardless of whether you find the topic interesting or not.

This is why your strategy has to have ambitious yet realistic goals. Only then can you succeed in overcoming obstacles and get more and more.
3. Learn from your mistakes
It is crucial to practice when getting ready for the vestibules. But learning from mistakes is just as important as performing the exercise and observing the results. And this is a crucial point to remember when discussing quality as opposed to quantity.
If you create a list of exercises with 100 questions, review the results, and then add another 100 questions, you won’t learn where you made a mistake. Without warning, you’ll get more fatigued.
Because of this, rather than brushing off mistakes, remember them all and set aside some time to ask yourself questions. Ricardo Nunes explains that “In the Super App AZ, for instance, the student has access to high-resolution videos, video lessons, and many other types of content to learn from mistakes.”
4. The taste for studying
It is impossible to run a marathon if you have fear and foot pain even before you start, isn’t it? To learn more, studying is just as crucial as cultivating a love of learning.

This means looking for novel ways to learn to use various media that disrupt routines. What about watching videos or listening to podcasts on the subject if you always read books and write summaries, for instance?
5. Relaxing is also an essential part of studying
Only a few of the relaxation activities that can help you reduce pre-vestibular tension and increase your focus on your marathon are watching movies and TV shows, talking to friends, and even fitting in some physical activity into your daily schedule.
Your diet deserves special attention if you want to learn more because it is one of the sources of your energy. Even if you don’t like it, try assembling colorful dishes with all the necessary nutrients.
Another important consideration for learning more is a good night of sleep: 40% of the world’s population suffers from some form of sound deprivation.
However, getting a good night’s sleep is as crucial as eating and drinking.
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